Here's a brief summary of the stories published on this site to help you seek out the pieces you'd be interested
to read
Note: Fictionalized means the story is based on actual events but
may be exaggerated for literary purposes
Fragments: Small pieces I wrote in passing that I liked but couldn't be developed into a full or partial stories
The Porcelain Casket: A fictionalized retelling of a Texas tragedy when a mother drowns her five children
One Starry Night: Fictionalized tale of the origin of Vincent van Gogh's famous "Starry Night" painting
A Worthy Adversary: A non-fiction story of my personal struggle with depression
Coming Back: An additional piece about my depression
The Fallen Chess King: Fiction
My Beloved Wife: Fiction; losing a loved one
Pictures on the Mantle: Fiction; a story of a mother losing her son to the war
Stranger in the Market: Fiction; terrorist bombing
Day of Life: Fictionalized tale about a child who tragically ended his life on his birthday
The Champion: Fiction; a game of russian roulette
The Alley: Fiction; senseless murder
Lessons Unlearned: Fiction
Just Dues: Fictionalized story about a convicted killer set to be executed
Just Another School Day: Fictionalized retelling of the Columbine Massacre
Deadly Cycle: Fiction, AIDS epidemic
Children of the Chamber: Fiction, Holocaust
Colors of the Heart: Fiction, war veterans
California Love: True story about an escapade to a California Rave
A Blaze in the Night: Fictionalized tale about a homeless woman and her horrible fate